Permanent Life Insurance

Permanent life insurance is a type of life insurance policy that offers death benefits and cash values. Death benefits provide money to one’s beneficiaries upon one’s passing. Cash value is a type of savings able to be accessed even before death. This type of policy lasts from opening of the policy to death.

Who is permanent life insurance for?

This type of insurance policy is for anyone who wants to protect his or her family after thier death. It is available to anyone who is willing to pay the premium. This type of policy will last until death so long as the premium is always paid.

How does this type of life coverage work?

The first feature of this type of policy is the cash value. This is a savings that accumulates as premiums are paid. Money can be borrowed from this account that is made from payments. Another feature is the death benefit. This is a designated amount of money that beneficiaries will receive upon the account owner’s death. If the policy was to be cancelled, the owner will receive the accrued cash, though their may be a charge for cancelling early.

What are the different types of coverage in existence?

Whole life insurance is the most common type of insurance. The values for the benefits stay fixed throughout the policy’s length. There will also be minimum interest earned on top of the value, and dividends are paid out.
Universal life insurance offer more flexibility with changing the death benefit or the cash value. Cash values can be used up through reducing premiums, however.
Variable universal life insurance is another type of coverage that offers investment options to increase the cash value benefit. There is chance of investment losses reducing the benefits, however.
Indexed universal life insurance is the final type that has no fixed interest rate, causing greater gains and losses. They do have a minimum interest rate, however.

Life insurance polices such as the permanent type can offer financial security for one’s family in the future. This is true no matter the circumstances one’s family may face. Another benefit is that this type of life insurance lasts an entire lifetime rather than a set term.

Term Life Insurance

Term life insurance is a type of temporary life insurance policy that pays a death benefit to the policy’s beneficiary in the event that the insured person dies while the policy is in force. This type of policy typically has fixed premiums, and can often be renewed or converted into another type of life insurance once it matures.

Who it is for
This type of life insurance is best for people who want to ensure their family is financially taken care of in the event of their death – but have such a need that may be temporary. It also favored by those looking to save money on coverage, as term policies are generally less expensive than other life insurance types.

How it works
After a policy is issued, the policyholder makes periodic premium payments to the insurance company in exchange for coverage. Although policies have a “grace period”, a policy will lapse if premiums go unpaid for long enough. If the insured person dies while the policy is active, the insurance company will pay a death benefit to the policy’s beneficiary. This death benefit is usually tax-free. At the end of a predetermined number of years, the policy will end and no further benefits or premium payments will be due.

Different types of coverage in existence
Aside from term, most other types of life insurance are permanent. These policies – including whole life and universal life – usually build cash value which can be borrowed from. They can grow from fixed interest or from the performance of the policy’s underlying investments.

Term life offers the benefit of affordability. It also offers the benefit of flexibility for those who only have a temporary need for life insurance and don’t nee to enter a lifetime contract.

Life Insurance

Types of Life Insurance

There are different types of life insurance. The plan you need depends on your goals and current situation. In any case, this coverage provides a monetary benefit to your beneficiaries at the time of your death. It is a good way to provide for loved ones after you are gone.

Life insurance pays when the insured person dies. The purpose is to offer financial protection to the survivors because they lost their primary means of financial support. Choose a policy that will accommodate your needs, and make sure to pay your premiums on time. If you don’t pay you could be penalized or your plan might be canceled. Once you die, the insurance company pays the named beneficiaries the specified amount.

This policy is basically for people who have dependents. It is also for people who want to make sure someone can pay for their burial or cremation expenses.

There are three types of life insurance. Term insurance is also known as pure life. It pays if you pass away within a certain period. But if you live longer, then the policy expires and you cannot renew it. If you die without coverage, then your family receives nothing. Whole life is a combination of insurance and investments. It also offers lifetime coverage. The accumulated cash value may be borrowed or withdrawn by the insured or beneficiary over their lifetime. Universal insurance is similar to whole life, except the insured person can make adjustments to the policy.

Life insurance is good to have. Speak with an insurance agent about coverage for yourself.

Long-Term Care Insurance

What is Long Term Care Insurance?

Long Term Care Insurance provides financial assistance to pay costs associated with managing chronic conditions. It is for people who can no longer care for themselves due to disability or age. A person qualifies for long-term care if they are unable to perform at least two daily living functions, like preparing meals or bathing.

You could find yourself in need of long term care no matter your age. But this policy is primarily used by elderly people who are past retirement age. Receiving this policy as a workplace benefit can help you be prepared should you need extended care. This policy can pay for various expenses that are not covered by other policies.

Long Term Insurance is Important

It is not fair to rely entirely on family and friends to provide personal care. This can put a heavy burden on relationships. Also, you are likely to receive better help from someone who is trained. And you might need government assistance if you can’t afford the cost of care. The insurance makes it easier for you and gives you options when it comes to your care.

Prolonged hands-on care is expensive. Living in a nursing home costs thousands of dollars per year, and hiring an aide to provide care at home costs as well. Paying for these expenses can quickly deplete your retirement savings. Long term care insurance can make things easier for you, your family, and your friends.

Universal Life Insurance

Universal Life Insurance

Universal life insurance is a permanent life insurance policy. That means it never expires as long as you pay the premiums up until the time of your death. This type of policy also has a flexible savings element that helps you save money. This policy does not have a specified end date, but the terms may change depending on your circumstances.

Premiums and Interest

You must pay monthly premiums to keep this coverage active. Your premiums are divided between death benefits and the savings account, which is also called cash value. You can borrow money from the policy depending upon its terms and conditions.

The cash value accrues interest and continues to grow while the policy is active. You can direct value from the interest towards premium payments. Depending on the size and performance of your investment, the gains can be used to cover premiums rather than funding the policy.

Is Universal Life the Best Choice?

Universal life is a good choice, but it is more expensive than other types of life insurance. If you want to protect your family from losing a major source of income, then you may want to consider this policy. It will help you build long-term assets.